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>>>They have no idea how heartless I am
Match Start
>>>It doesn't matter what this place used to be. Now it's just another graveyard
>>>Ah, what hope do these criaturas have? I almost pity them
>>>("Ah, what hope do these creatures have? I almost pity them")
>>>Are those our enemies? Huh. This won't take long
>>>I've stood over so many corpses. A few more, does not matter
>>>This enemy's nothing special. Still human, still mortal
>>>I will drain the life from our pray. That's all they're good for
>>>I have lied, beaten, killed to survive. I will kill again and again if it means one more day.
Round Start
>>>As much as this world hurt's mine...and I will kill to defend it
>>>The enemy only looks composed. Their hearts tell a different story
>>>I'm the last thing they'll see before they die. Lucky them
>>>They're just batteries...and I need a recharge
>>>Their lives are so meaningless. Might as well give them to me
>>>Look your enemy in the eye. It helps with accuracy
>>>Stay alive! I want their life, not yours
>>>They don't have a single life worth saving
>>>Deep breaths everyone. Your hearts are pounding
>>>My city needs me. I can't be away for long. Let's end this quickly...
>>>Ah, the symphony of death. Don't worry, you get used to it
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